We welcome you in friendship and an open heart to our Temple of Light Love and Healing: ‘Centre Christian Spiritualist Church’.
We welcome our congregation to join us in fellowship at the completion of Sunday Divine Service. Enjoy light refreshments, chatting with like minded people and the friendship of our congregation members.
Sunday 10:00AM - 11:30AM
Tuesday 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Open Circle - $10.00 Donation
Group facilitators:
Rev. Mary Da Silva and Jean Jolley
Divine service commences with welcoming the congregation and introduction of Mediums who will be working on the platform giving an inspirational philosophy and spirit communications.
Following prayer and hymn, spiritual healing, inclusive of absent healing will be given and received by those in need of healing, strength and comfort.
Following the inspirational philosophy our mediums on the platform will give themselves over to their spirit guides to be used as a vessel for spirit communication to be given to those who have placed a flower or sprig leaf on the flower board.
This form of clairvoyance is provided as part of all church services to demonstrate proof of survival of human personality after death.
Although there is no mandatory charge to attend Divine services, we appreciate and welcome your donations to the freewill offerings that assists in providing the finances to purchase all necessities required to keep the Church running smoothly, also building maintenance.
Everyone is welcome to attend.
We look forward to seeing you soon and welcoming you to our Temple of Light, Love, and Healing
Attendees must be aged 18+ to attend this open circle.
Trained mediums Rev. Mary Da Silva and Jean Jolley will always be there to guide all services held at Centre Christian Spiritualist Church, inclusive of Divine Service, healing, meditation, open development circle and training sessions, to ensure your safety whilst in developing stages and advancement of your spiritual pathway.
We invite all who attend open spiritual development circles to bring with them a flower or small sprig leaves, (preferably from your own garden) and place on the flower board, located in the foyer of the Church.
Spiritual mediums will be guided to connect persons who have placed a flower on the flower-board to spirit friends and loved ones, bringing through messages of love, hope, and proof of life after death.​
Mediums and workers within our Church are all volunteers, no payments are made for salaries, therefore ALL freewill offerings are used solely for Church needs.​
We look forward to seeing you soon and welcoming you to our Temple of Light, Love, and Healing.
Tuesday 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Development Group - $10 Donation
Group facilitator:
Rev. Mary Da Silva
Persons under the age of 18 years are not permitted to attend or take part in any spiritual training or development groups. ​
No matter what level of spiritual understanding, knowledge or awareness you are at, group facilitator Rev. Mary Da Silva will guide you through your spiritual journey of discovery and awakening.​
All attendees are encouraged to be actively involved in your own spiritual learning and growth, share your experiences, ask questions, have an open mind, above all enjoy the journey.
We look forward to seeing you soon and welcoming you to our Temple of Light, Love, and Healing.
Please read and observe street parking signage within City of Subiaco.
Street parking limits vary greatly in vicinity of the Church, from 1 hour - 2 hours during business hours; Weekend limits also apply from time to time.
Corner of Olive Street and Churchill Avenue
Corner of Railway Parade and McCourt Street.